
Why do women lose hair?

Hair loss affects men and women. No one is immune to this disease. There is no right or wrong, just as it is. There are many reasons as there are people on this planet why this happens.

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I identify some of the main causes of why this happens to women that you can understand better how to deal with. I hope to give some words of encouragement that maybe there will be a natural remedy for this.

Just as we all have jobs and different roles in lifethere are just as many reasons for this problem.

These reasons may be internal or external circumstances that are sometimes beyond our control. I would like to highlight some common causes that primarily affect women.

Sex - It seems that women have over men. Although women in general tend to have less than men because female hormones that baldness does not take away from the psychological depression that affects women. hair growth in women is increasing faster than men, but they may needthis amount of hair, because one of the reasons for hair loss is the amount of money and style that women often do so at their hair.

Hormones - Women can not deny the fact that hormones had a role in less than men. That is, the hormone estrogen is produced by the ovaries, which neutralizes the androgenic hormone that causes baldness. This does not mean that women do not bald, but it makes women less likely.

However, if these hormones are unbalanced, thenParis are open and women hair loss as men do.

Pregnancy and childbirth - women believe it or not during pregnancy can cause temporary loss of hair, in some cases. But many times this is a temporary situation due to the fact that pregnant women produce a lot of nutrition and hormones for the child they carry.

So they need to eat so much, not for themselves but for the precious life they carry. However, after the birthlevels of nutrition and growth hormone to a normal state and the body is expecting a lot more power, because that's what was used for the 9 months.

This sudden change of the body where nutrition is not available to the body can cause hair to die of hunger, resulting in temporary loss of hair. Fortunately, this is only temporary and once the body returns to a normal state of nutrition, hair growth will return within six months from delivery.

Iron deficiency -The diet is very important during pregnancy of a woman that if good nutrition is not maintained during this period, the child and the woman will suffer.

If the iron is one of the vitamins a body needs during pregnancy failed due to poor diet choices, this can lead to hair loss. Other conditions may occur due to iron deficiency as a bleeding ulcer, hemorrhoids, and heavy periods.

Menopause - is another matter strictly for women. Remember the hormoneestrogen and androgen hormones has been mentioned in the section you opposed? Well, oddly enough after menopause, estrogen stops producing estrogen and androgen without frustrating the adrenal glands causes women to develop baldness.

Birth control pills - is no coincidence that many women are in the early years. Taking the pill will actually accomplish the task and to avoid pregnancy, but one of the properties of a androgen contraceptive pilldominated properties that can cause hair loss.

Now, if a woman's body has not been sufficient to offset estrogen hormone androgen, and hair loss can occur. Just check with your doctor if you require control pills to alleviate future problems.

So I hope you have found the hair loss in women, what it means for them and some of the root causes. There are a multitude of ways to combat this scourge of hair and one of the techniques is the naturalhair restoration.

Why do women lose hair?

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