There are various reasons why men and women suffering from excessive hair loss. All these causes can be classified into two basic categories, which are physical and psychological.
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Physical causes
Most of the hormonal imbalance is the main cause of hair loss. Most people are aware that testosterone is the hormone that makes the hair on their bodies. DHT is a testosterone derived from the fact that testosterone has the opposite effect on hair growth. Hair grows about the effectscertain parts of the body with the head being the main area affected. Estrogen is the hormone that controls DHT, making it possible to reverse its effects.
Younger women have the perfect balance of testosterone and estrogen which helps to keep DHT controlled. When they reach menopause, their estrogen levels become unbalanced. This causes some women to suffer with hair loss. One of the most effective ways to treat this is with hormone balancing with estrogen.
Psychological Causes
It has been found that many people who suffer with emotional instability also suffer with excessive hair loss issues. When there is a great deal of stress put on one's body, it causes it to react by losing hair in large amounts. You will see this happen in people that get involved with fad diets. This is due to the body being shocked from losing weight so rapidly and being deprived of essential nutrients. You will also see hair loss problems in those who suffer with various types of psychological disorders.
Treatment for Hair Loss from Physical Causes
As mentioned above, hormone balancing is one of the best ways to treat hair loss caused by physical issues. Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are very important hormones for women. If the levels of any of these hormones are off balance, it can affect the entire body. Hormones that are not balanced properly can cause people to suffer with mood swings as well as hair loss or thinning hair. Estrogen levels are the most important to maintain as they can cause such problems as decreased sex drive, menopause and even infertility.
Treatment for Hair Loss from Psychological Causes
One of the main ways to treat hair loss that is caused by psychological issues is to work on those issues. For instance, if you are overworked, you should find ways to lesson your work load or change your hours so that you are not overwhelmed with your job. If you are dealing with stress from a recent event, you may want to seek out therapy options. This will help you to deal with the feelings so that you will learn how to deal with the stress.
Most doctors prefer to combine both physical and psychological treatments in order to get the most benefits. This would include therapy as well as an exercise program. Many people find that if they balance out their life and learn how to deal with stress, their hair loss problems are manageable. If you suffer with hair loss due to a rare psychological disorder, you should seek the advice of a psychiatrist.
Changing your Lifestyle to Treat Anxiety
As mentioned above, you will need to make some changes in your life style such as the hours you work or the amount of time you spend helping others. Some people find this option difficult as it can be hard to make so many changes. This is generally why they look to medicinal ways to treat their hair loss.
Alternative Medicine
When it comes to alternative medicine you will find that there are 2 kinds of herbal supplements that are used for hair loss. The first ones are made from phytoestrogenic herbs which are much like estrogens. These work well to increase ones levels of estrogen as they work to actually replace the lost estrogen. The trouble with this treatment is that your own body will start to produce less and less estrogen. Your body will become dependent on the herbal supplements and won't have the need to make its own estrogen.
The second kind of herbal medicine is non-estrogenic herbs. This means that they do not have any estrogen but they do work to help the body in other ways. These herbs will feed the persons hormonal glands which help them to work much better. All hormones in the body including estrogen will balance out easily with this type of alternative medicine. This is considered by many to be the best types of treatment for all types of hair loss. Not only does it help correct the problem it is also safe with no side effects to worry about.
In Conclusion, if you suffer with hair loss problems, you need to first find out what is causing it. Once you find the source of the problem, you can then figure out which type of treatment is best. You will need to see if your problem is physical, psychological or both. Take a look at your life style and see what changes you can make to help balance your life out.
It is always good to work in some type of exercise program as this will help to keep your body healthy and functioning as its best. There are plenty of hormone replacement therapy options including those that are all natural alternative medications. It is best to talk with your doctor so that you can see which type of treatment is best. The type of treatment you have will depend on your personal situation.
3 Effective Ways to Treat Hair Loss, Including Estrogen Therapy