Most hair loss is normal. Adults have about 100,000 hairs on his head. These hairs follow a predictable pattern of active growth, followed by a period of rest and moult. The growing season can last up to 2-10 years, while the rest day / excretion can take only a few months. On average, you lose and replace about 50-150 hairs a day. Hair grows slightly faster in women than in men. Visible hair loss occurs when the number of hair growthphase is more in line with the number of hairs during moulting. Men tend to lose hair around the front and the crown of the scalp. Hair loss in women tends to appear as the set of thinning.
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Hormones are thought to play a key role in hair growth and loss of the scalp. And 'know, for example, that, although testosterone and other androgens are largely responsible for the growth of body hair during puberty, these androgens are essential for hair loss in adults. Many birth control pillsare dominant and androgens may stimulate hair loss. It is believed that estrogen helps to stop hair loss and promote healthy growth of hair on the scalp. The process is not just hormonal, but it can also be connected to other substances in the blood goes to the hair follicles.
Nutritional deficiencies or excess carbohydrates and animal fats can cause hair loss. The increase in consumption of 14 grams of protein a day increases the diameter of each hair by 14 percent. Vitamin B-containing foods stimulate hairto grow. In order to increase the daily diet, nutritionists recommend a multivitamin and mineral, a form of stress B complex, choline and inositol 1000 mg each, and 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C.
Outpatient care is important. Too excited prematurely or sponge brush can remove or break the hair follicles to prevent or slow the appearance of new hair. The accumulation of cells deaf, dirt or residues of shampoo can prevent hair growth by blocking the small openings. UseCleaning constant growth so sweet and natural entertainers often resolve the problem:
Two or three times a day or massage a small amount of one of these old ointment into your scalp: a mixture if two tablespoons of castor oil and lard each with rosemary oil ¼ c. Tea. O ¼ cup almond oil or olive oil with ½ teaspoon of rosemary oil and three drops of oil of citronella.
or twice a day, massaging the scalp and hair in small circular movements with thetips of fingers or an electric vibrator.
o During the rest, massage the scalp with aloe vera gel, shampoo in the morning.
Use rosemary tea or as a shampoo after rinsing.
Effective natural remedy for hair loss