The hairs are very specific characteristics of groups of mammals in the animal kingdom. It has a very important role to play in living things. Humans also have hairs that serves important role in their lives. Since ancient times, the hair has been a symbol of beauty for men and women. People are now days spent much of their earrings for hair care products.
People all over the world have a passion for hair. And hair care industry is growing day by day to meet the requirements ofpeople
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But first we need to know your hair and how they grow
The hair follicles are growths on the skin. These follicles are located in the dermis, the second layer of the skin and to extend the epidermis is the superficial layer of skin. Through this follicle grows their hair. The coat is made of keratin with chemical constituents such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen.
Hair growth varies from person to person, but on aHair grows an average of about 5 to 10 mm per month. Maximum growth of hair at the age of about 15 to 30 years. We see that hair growth is more in summer than winter.
Scalp (skin on head) consists of seven items. These are the buds of hair, hair, mouth of the follicle, granular layer, sebaceous glands and oil duct. Hair has a life cycle. First, the hair grows from the hair follicle and enters a phase of rapid growth, then penetrates into the haira period of stagnation which is the inactive phase, and then go off, the hair and finally fell. An average life of hair varies from 2 to 5 years.
Hair problems related majorly seen in life in general are as follows:
1. Hair Loss
2. Premature aging of hair
3. Alopecia
4. Dandruff
Hair Loss
A common disease worldwide, which has really created chaos in the world nowadays. A very common problem, as the world faced. Recent data show the tendency of hair loss isincreased over the past two decades. The causes of hair loss are
· Insufficient vitamins and minerals useful in the body
• Mental stress and emotional
· Prolonged Illness
· Hormonal imbalance commonly seen in hyperthyroidism, imbalance in androgen and estrogen.
• In general, after the delivery because of hormonal imbalances
• Some medications such as anticoagulants, vitamin A, if taken in excess, non-oral contraceptives, antidepressantsdrugs and drugs used in chemotherapy to treat cancer patients.
• Infections that may promote some hair loss, like a fungal infection on the scalp
· Diseases such as diabetes can also be a precipitating factor in hair loss.
· Blood circulation or excess blood loss
· Poor nutrition
• Lack of sleep disorders and lifestyle
· The hereditary factors.
Premature aging of hair
Very common problemespecially among teenagers today. Due to some factors not premature hair graying in young people. Hair color is provided by content melalin amount present in the body. Melalin content the darker the hair color and vice versa.
Here are the causes of premature aging because of the hair occurs.
· Bad Eating Habits
• Lack of sleep
· Stress
Iron ores · insufficient, copper and iodine
• LackB vitamins in the diet
· Terms keeping unhealthy hair
· Blood poor circulation in the scalp.
· Washing hair with hot water
· Hair dryer electric drying
• Use of chemicals such as hair dyes, shampoos
· The hereditary factors.
Aloplecia is synonymous with baldness. And 'of different types.
1. Aloplecia androgens or male pattern baldness - a progressive thinning of thepile
2. Aloplecia areata, which means losing some hair of the head
3. Aloplecia trotalis involves the loss of all hair on the head
4. Aloplecia universalis - involves the loss of all hair from the head and body
Causes of aloplecia
• Emotional stress
· Serious diseases
· Changes hormonal
• Hair Health wrong
· Exposure to antidepressants, blood thinning drugs such as some
• The Mothcan also lead to aloplecia
· The fungal infection is also another reason that may occur aloplecia
• Due to the lack of protein
Iron deficiency · It can also lead to aloplecia
Dandruff is a condition of flaking of the scalp. And 'seborric known as dermatitis in common terms, is an inflammation of the upper layers of the skin causing the scales on the scalp and other body parts. Dandruff occurs when the rate at which dead cells from the scalp and provideaccelerate the replacement. Ordinary dandruff appears as white or gray flakes in sever conditions may include oily flakes which are yellow. The film begins at the age of 12 to 15 years is the age of puberty and is seen in the elderly. The majority of people grouped by age are those who are interested in 25 years to 35 years. Dandruff can affect any part of the body with hair like eyebrows, ears, cheeks and chest
Here are the causes ofdandruff
· Hormonal imbalance
· Terms poor health
• Lack of hygiene Hair
Materials to allergic
• Emotional stress
· Power of fatty acids and carbohydrate diet
The consumption of food innutritious · Application
· The hereditary factors
· The excessive use of chemicals such as hair styling gels, colors, sprays, etc.
• The cold, dry weather
• In a suitablewashing hair.
Some hair maintenance tips:
• Be a good nutritious diet
· Shampoo hair regularly with a chemical base shampoo or non-sweet herbal shampoo
· Always shampoo dissolve in water before use.
• Use a conditioner after shampooing using
· Always wash all the shampoo with clean water and soft
• Get your hair trimmed regularly to prevent split ends
Avoid using styling gels,hair sprays, hair colors based on chemical
· Combs and brushes her hair regularly
• Avoid the use of electric dryers and air-dried
· Hair Gentle massage should be done regularly to improve blood circulation
• Avoid excessive stress
• At least a good sleep for 6-8 hours
Oil ° should be left on the hair and scalp for no longer than 2 hours.
• Take the right amount of rest and eight hours of sound-about6sleep.
Hair growth herbal remedies and methods of maintenance
Amla: A powerful promoter of hair growth, which helps us to redefine our lost hair. As this plant is a sheet virya say cold power, it contributes to the elimination of Pitta dosha, which is the main culprit in causing hair loss and premature graying of hair. Indian women, maintaining long silky hair Amla has been used for centuries to cope with all types of hair related problems. As it acts on the improvement of liver function,This is very important in proper digestion, helps create a healthy environment in our body, leading to good growth of hair and body. And 'well-known that regular use of Amla, graying of hair can easily be delayed because it is a known rasayan mentioned in Ayurvedic texts.
Brahmi: a well-known herbs used in India since time immemorial to improve hair growth and power of memory. Because of his actions, helps to promote hair growth faster. Hesome properties that help repair damage in the hair follicles due to lack of maintenance and helps normalize the damage to rediscover the character loses his hair. And 'the only reason why you can always find Indian women who have very long hair and beautiful blacks, in spite of old age. It 'also classified as Rasayana in ayurveda and then the property to delay the signs of aging as graying hair of the body. Brahmi helps to relieve mental fatigueand therefore helps the body maintain a good environment that leads to healthy hair. Further information on Brahmi
ZYX Herbal Hair Cream: a unique blend of Ayurvedic herbs, which are very effective in hair problems related. A complete solution for hair problems related to it. ZYX contain certain powerful herbs that have been used for centuries to rejuvenate the character has lost due to damage to the hair. It contains herbs like Amla, Bhringraj, jatamansi, naleeni, Shikakai, Mahender, gambhari, neem andsatpodina. These herbs have been widely used in hair problems related to the system of Ayurvedic medicine. It helps to revitalize the hair and provides new freshness and new powers for the hair and is very useful to discover the beautiful hair. This herbal formulation is completely free from any kind of side effects and chemicals that are the main cause of hair problems increased in the present age. It helps us to get relief from hair loss, premature graying of hair, baldness,aloplecia and dandruff. Its potent herbal helps get rid of hair problems from day to day to make it shiny and healthy every day. It also helps to promote growth by stimulating hair follicles. So we can say that ZYX is the new revolution in hair that will remove all your problems and make more sure of yourself like never before when you find your hair healthy and shiny. More information about hair loss and hair Remedy
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Natural remedies for hair loss, dandruff and hair problems